Vol.18 マニアもそうでない人も大興奮!予約困難の人気見学ツアー『JAL SKY MUSEUM』に潜入 Vol.18:Infiltrating the Highly Popular and Hard-to-Book Tour: "JAL SKY MUSEUM"

東京にはもっとおもしろい場所がいっぱいある! 東京の⼈も知らないようなマニアックでおもしろい、観光で訪れた外国⼈におすすめしたい穴場スポットをご紹介します。コロナが明け、たくさん来てくれる外国⼈観光客のアテンドのぜひ参考に。外国⼈にとっておもしろい場所は、日本⼈にとっても新発見のある穴場スポットになるはず。みんなにまだ知られていないとっておきの新しい東京の姿をお見せします。英語翻訳版も併記します(Chat GPT 作)。
※実験的にChat GPT にお任せするので変な翻訳でもご容赦ください!
There are plenty of interesting places in Tokyo! We will introduce some off-the-beaten-path spots that even locals may not know about, but are recommended for foreign tourists visiting for sightseeing. This will be a helpful reference for when the coronavirus situation improves and more foreign tourists come to visit. These spots should be not only interesting for foreigners, but also a new discovery for Japanese people as well. We will show you the yet-tobe-discovered side of Tokyo that not everyone knows about. An English translation version will also be provided (by Chat GPT).
Please excuse any strange translations as this is an experimental use of Chat GPT!
マニアック観光地18回目は『JAL SKY MUSEUM』のご紹介です!チケットは発売から2分で売り切れるという超人気見学ツアー。普段は見ることのできない空港の裏側やお仕事の内容を体感できる人気スポットです。コロナ禍を経て一昨年リニューアルしたばかりというJAL SKY MUSEUMは、デザイン性高い空間に、体感できるリアルコンテンツと、デジタルコンテンツがうまく融合されたエンタメ性溢れる内容。特に普段は入れない格納庫を見学できる後半部分は、子供だけでなく大人もワクワクが止まらない!写真撮影にほぼ制限がないのも最高です。潜入レポとお写真をお楽しみください。
For our 18th installment of unique tourist spots, we introduce the "JAL SKY MUSEUM"! This is an extremely popular tour where tickets sell out within 2 minutes of release. It's a sought-after spot where you can experience the behind-the-scenes of airports and job details that are usually off-limits. Recently renovated after the COVID-19 pandemic, the JAL SKY MUSEUM skillfully blends real, hands-on content with digital exhibits in a highly designed space, resulting in an entertaining experience. The latter part of the tour, where you can visit the normally restricted hangar, is especially exciting for both children and adults! The fact that there are almost no restrictions on photography is also fantastic. Enjoy our infiltration report and photos.
Table of Contents:
- 1.空港の裏側を体験できる人気ツアー
Popular Tour Offering Behind-the-Scenes Airport Experience - 2.デザイン性高い空間とリアル体験
High-Design Space and Real Experiences - 3.JALの歴史と未来を学ぶ展示空間
Exhibition Space to Learn JAL's History and Future - 4.格納庫見学で航空機を間近に体感
Up-Close Aircraft Experience in Hangar Tour - 5.充実の内容で飛行機への愛着が増す
Rich Content Increases Affection for Aircraft
Popular Tour Offering Behind-the-Scenes Airport Experience

JAL SKY MUSEUMは、普段は見ることのできない空港の裏側やJALのお仕事内容を体感できる超人気見学ツアーです。チケットは発売からわずか2分で売り切れるという人気ツアー。東京モノレールの新整備場駅すぐ近くにあるJAL M1ビルが会場で、工場見学に来る人の誘導がとてもスムーズで、ストレスなく参加できました。受付で本人確認を行い、オリジナルのネックストラップの付いたIDが配られます。ツアーは航空教室から始まり、その後ミュージアムスペースや格納庫の見学へと続きます。
The JAL SKY MUSEUM is an extremely popular tour that allows visitors to experience the behind-the-scenes operations of airports and JAL's work processes, which are usually off-limits to the public. Tickets sell out within just 2 minutes of release, demonstrating its popularity. The venue is the JAL M1 Building located right next to the Shin-Seibi-Jo Station on the Tokyo Monorail. Visitors are smoothly guided for the factory tour, ensuring a stress-free participation. After identity verification at reception, original neck straps with IDs are distributed. The tour begins with an aviation classroom, followed by visits to the museum space and hangar.
High-Design Space and Real Experiences

リニューアルしたばかりのJAL SKY MUSEUMは、デザイン性の高い空間に、体感できるリアルコンテンツとデジタルコンテンツがうまく融合されています。ミュージアムスペースでは、JALの歴史や航空機の仕組み、スタッフの仕事内容などを知ることができます。実際にパイロット気分で座って操作ができるコックピット体験や、数秒で着れるJALスタッフの制服体験など、大人も子どもも楽しめるコンテンツが充実しています。特に、歴代のCA制服の展示は時代の移り変わりを感じられる興味深いものでした。一部のコンテンツを除き写真撮影にほぼ制限がないのも見学者にはありがたい魅力の一つです。
The newly renovated JAL SKY MUSEUM successfully blends hands-on real content with digital exhibits in a highly designed space. In the museum area, visitors can learn about JAL's history, aircraft mechanics, and staff roles. There's a wealth of content enjoyable for both adults and children, such as cockpit experiences where you can sit and operate controls like a pilot, and JAL staff uniform try-ons that can be done in seconds. The display of flight attendant uniforms through the years is particularly interesting, showcasing changes over time. One of the attractions for visitors is that there are almost no restrictions on photography, except for a few specific exhibits.
Exhibition Space to Learn JAL's History and Future

The museum space includes an archives zone where visitors can browse services and historical materials from JAL's early days to the present. Through digital timelines, displays of past uniforms, and model planes, you can learn about JAL's and Japan's aviation cultural history. The Future Zone introduces JAL's initiatives for the future in areas such as environment, technology, and space. There are also exhibits on Imperial flights and special flights, showcasing JAL's diverse roles. The museum shop sells original goods that can only be purchased here.
Up-Close Aircraft Experience in Hangar Tour

ツアーの後半では、JAL SKY MUSEUMのロゴ入りヘルメットを被って格納庫へ向かいます。ここでは、実際に整備中の航空機を間近で見ることができ、非日常的な体験に大人も子どもも大興奮!案内役のガイドは、JALの別部署での経験を持つスタッフが担当しているんだそう。詳しく楽しい解説を提供してくれます。今回の見学時には、まだ一度も飛んだことのない新機体が格納庫にあり、見られるのはとてもレアだと説明がありました。航空教室で直前に教えてくれた、機体の違いを実際に見て感じることができるのも楽しい!
In the latter half of the tour, visitors don helmets with JAL SKY MUSEUM logos and head to the hangar. Here, you can see aircraft undergoing maintenance up close, an extraordinary experience that excites both adults and children! The tour guides, who have experience in other JAL departments, provide detailed and enjoyable explanations. During our visit, we had the rare opportunity to see a new aircraft that had never flown before, which was explained to be quite rare. It's also fun to apply the knowledge just learned in the aviation classroom to observe and feel the differences between aircraft models in person!
Rich Content Increases Affection for Aircraft

JAL SKY MUSEUMは、大人も子どもも楽しめる充実した見学ツアーです。リアルな体験とデジタル展示のバランスが絶妙で、楽しんでいるうちに飛行機やJALへの興味と愛着が一気に深まります。見学だけでトータル4000歩を超える歩数をたたき出すほど、広い見学エリアですが、楽しさで疲れを感じさせません。予約は困難ですが、一度は体験する価値のあるJAL SKY MUSEUM。航空業界への理解が深まり、空の旅がより楽しみになることでしょう。美しい空間で、JALの歴史と未来を学びながら、航空の魅力を存分に感じられるはず、ぜひ訪れてみてください!
The JAL SKY MUSEUM offers a comprehensive tour enjoyable for both adults and children. With a perfect balance of real experiences and digital exhibits, it quickly deepens interest and affection for aircraft and JAL while you're having fun. Despite covering over 4,000 steps in total, the excitement prevents fatigue in this extensive tour area. Although difficult to book, the JAL SKY MUSEUM is worth experiencing at least once. It enhances understanding of the aviation industry and makes air travel more exciting. In a beautiful space, while learning about JAL's history and future, you can fully appreciate the allure of aviation. We highly recommend you visit!
所在地:東京都大田区羽田空港3-5-1 JALメインテナンスセンター1
予約開始日:ご見学日の1ヶ月前の同一日 9:30
Location: JAL Maintenance Center 1, 3-5-1 Haneda Airport, Ota-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-5460-3755 (9:30 AM - 4:30 PM)
Reservation Start Date: One month before the visit date, on the same day at 9:30 AM
Closed for Tours: Wednesdays, Fridays, New Year's holidays, and other specified dates
Official Website: https://www.jal.com/ja/kengaku/

Born and raised in Tokyo. I'm dedicated to both my main job in the design field and my parallel career as a writer, focusing on interview coverage and article writing. I'm a work enthusiast, and I have a deep love for delicious food, which I showcase on my gourmet Instagram account. Tonkatsu, ramen, karaage, and other brown-hued foods are my specialties. On the other hand, I excel in areas related to feminine interests such as cosmetics, nail art, beauty, and fashion. I also have a passion for exploring new places. With a goal of embarking on a trip every month, I've recently been setting out for spontaneous adventures both domestically and internationally.