地域 外国人に紹介したい東京マニアック観光地

Vol.15 商売繁盛で有名 神田祭の総氏神『神田明神』は伝統と革新の情報発信地 Vol.15:Famous for Prosperous Business: Kanda Myojin, the Tutelary Deity of Kanda Festival, is a Hub of Tradition and Innovation




東京にはもっとおもしろい場所がいっぱいある! 東京の⼈も知らないようなマニアックでおもしろい、観光で訪れた外国⼈におすすめしたい穴場スポットをご紹介します。コロナが明け、たくさん来てくれる外国⼈観光客のアテンドのぜひ参考に。外国⼈にとっておもしろい場所は、日本⼈にとっても新発見のある穴場スポットになるはず。みんなにまだ知られていないとっておきの新しい東京の姿をお見せします。英語翻訳版も併記します(Chat GPT 作)。
※実験的にChat GPT にお任せするので変な翻訳でもご容赦ください!

There are plenty of interesting places in Tokyo! We will introduce some off-the-beaten-path spots that even locals may not know about, but are recommended for foreign tourists visiting for sightseeing. This will be a helpful reference for when the coronavirus situation improves and more foreign tourists come to visit. These spots should be not only interesting for foreigners, but also a new discovery for Japanese people as well. We will show you the yet-tobe-discovered side of Tokyo that not everyone knows about. An English translation version will also be provided (by Chat GPT).
Please excuse any strange translations as this is an experimental use of Chat GPT!


For our 15th visit to a niche tourist spot, we went to Kanda Myojin, located between Ochanomizu and Akihabara. Famous as a deity of prosperous business, many companies visit for New Year's prayers. Due to its proximity to Akihabara, it became a pilgrimage site for anime fans in the 2010s, featuring as a setting in anime and light novels like the "Love Live! Series". With collaborations between the shrine and anime, it's a place that feels flexible in adopting new culture while remaining a shrine. Revisiting Kanda Myojin reveals many discoveries, which we'll introduce to you!

A Beautiful Fusion of Ancient Shrine History and Modernity


Kanda Myojin is a venerable shrine celebrating its 1300th anniversary in 2030. It has long been worshipped for matchmaking, business prosperity, and warding off misfortune. Overcoming the Great Kanto Earthquake and war damage, it has been repeatedly restored and rebuilt, regaining a splendor that rivals its Edo-era appearance. Simultaneously, collaborations with anime and pop culture are one of Kanda Myojin's unique features. It achieves a fusion of tradition and modern culture. This flexible approach is why it continues to be loved by a wide range of generations.

Deep Connections with the Community and the Kanda Festival, Evoking Tokyo's Downtown


The Kanda Festival, one of the three great Edo festivals, is a large-scale event centered around Kanda Myojin. With 108 neighborhood associations participating, it involves the entire community. From preparation to the main event, the shrine and local residents unite to preserve tradition. This strong connection further enhances the cultural value of Kanda Myojin. The Kanda Festival is an event where you can experience the charm of old Tokyo's downtown, so it's definitely worth experiencing at least once!

"EDOCCO": A Hub for Cultural Exchange with Plenty to See


The cultural exchange hall "EDOCCO" in Kanda Myojin's precincts symbolizes the fusion of tradition and innovation. It houses amulet offices, worship reception, restaurants, souvenir shops, and studios for experiencing traditional culture. The upper floor has the 400-seat Kanda Myojin Hall, hosting various events from business seminars to anime events and live performances. This ancient shrine now also serves as a hub for contemporary cultural dissemination.

Photogenic Shrine Scenery That Makes You Want to Take Pictures


Kanda Myojin's landscape is full of beautiful spots that make you want to take photos. From the pale green torii gate and stone-paved approach to the majestic Zuijin Gate with its vermilion and gold decorations, and the main shrine built by the Edo shogunate, every angle is picturesque. On clear days, Tokyo Skytree can be seen in the same view, and at night, the illuminated shrine buildings create a mystical atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy beautiful traditional Japanese scenery that shines in the age of social media.

Tourist-Friendly Facilities and Hospitality That Make You Forget You're at a Shrine

神田明神は、国内外の観光客に配慮した施設づくりを行っています。EDOCCOのカフェ「café MASUMASU」では、和をテーマにした内装で明神プリンなどの特製スイーツを楽しめます。外国人観光客向けの案内も充実しており、日本文化を体験しやすい環境が整っています。神社であることを忘れるほどゆったりくつろげる場所になっています。アクセスの良さも相まって国内外から常に数多くの人が訪れています。古さと新しさの両方を味わえる神田明神は都心観光にマストで押さえておいて!

Kanda Myojin has created facilities with both domestic and international tourists in mind. The "café MASUMASU" in EDOCCO offers special sweets like Myojin pudding in a Japanese-themed interior. With ample guidance for foreign tourists, it provides an environment where Japanese culture can be easily experienced. It's become a place where you can relax so comfortably that you might forget you're at a shrine. Combined with its convenient access, it's always visited by many people from both Japan and abroad. Kanda Myojin, where you can experience both the old and the new, is a must-visit spot for city center tourism!


所在地:〒101-0021 東京都千代田区外神田2-16-2


Location: Kanda Myojin
Address: Address: 2-16-2 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, Japan
Phone: +81-3-3254-0753
Fax: +81-3-3255-8875
Official website:



Born and raised in Tokyo. I'm dedicated to both my main job in the design field and my parallel career as a writer, focusing on interview coverage and article writing. I'm a work enthusiast, and I have a deep love for delicious food, which I showcase on my gourmet Instagram account. Tonkatsu, ramen, karaage, and other brown-hued foods are my specialties. On the other hand, I excel in areas related to feminine interests such as cosmetics, nail art, beauty, and fashion. I also have a passion for exploring new places. With a goal of embarking on a trip every month, I've recently been setting out for spontaneous adventures both domestically and internationally.
