地域 外国人に紹介したい東京マニアック観光地

Vol.13 今も外国人でいっぱいの人気スポット『君の名は。』聖地巡礼in東京 Vol.13:A popular spot still packed with foreigners: "Your Name" sacred pilgrimage sites in Tokyo




東京にはもっとおもしろい場所がいっぱいある! 東京の⼈も知らないようなマニアックでおもしろい、観光で訪れた外国⼈におすすめしたい穴場スポットをご紹介します。コロナが明け、たくさん来てくれる外国⼈観光客のアテンドのぜひ参考に。外国⼈にとっておもしろい場所は、日本⼈にとっても新発見のある穴場スポットになるはず。みんなにまだ知られていないとっておきの新しい東京の姿をお見せします。英語翻訳版も併記します(Chat GPT 作)。
※実験的にChat GPT にお任せするので変な翻訳でもご容赦ください!

There are plenty of interesting places in Tokyo! We will introduce some off-the-beaten-path spots that even locals may not know about, but are recommended for foreign tourists visiting for sightseeing. This will be a helpful reference for when the coronavirus situation improves and more foreign tourists come to visit. These spots should be not only interesting for foreigners, but also a new discovery for Japanese people as well. We will show you the yet-tobe-discovered side of Tokyo that not everyone knows about. An English translation version will also be provided (by Chat GPT).
Please excuse any strange translations as this is an experimental use of Chat GPT!


For the 13th edition of our series on niche tourist spots, we're switching things up and introducing a tour that visits multiple locations scattered throughout Tokyo, rather than focusing on a single place. This is a pilgrimage to the sacred sites of the hugely popular animated film "Your Name." Released in 2016, "Your Name" was written and directed by Makoto Shinkai. It surpassed 25.03 billion yen in domestic box office revenue, ranking 4th on Japan's all-time box office list at the time. The film grossed 361 million dollars worldwide, making it the 2nd highest-grossing Japanese film of all time globally. The story revolves around Taki, a boy living in Tokyo, and Mitsuha, a girl living in a rural town in the Hida region, who suddenly start switching bodies. It also involves events surrounding a comet approaching Earth for the first time in 1,200 years. The film was a massive hit. Many real-life Tokyo locations where Taki (inhabited by Mitsuha) lives appear frequently in the movie scenes. Please enjoy this tour while reminiscing about the film!



An overwhelmingly beautiful space, and I think many people wondered, "Where is this scene from?" while watching the movie. The cafe where Taki visits on a date with his senior colleague Okudera-senpai from his part-time job is located on the 2nd floor of the National Art Center, Tokyo in Roppongi. It gets quite crowded during the day, so be prepared to wait, but definitely give it a try. You can spend time in the cafe without entering the museum. By the way, if you want to take a photo similar to the movie scene, note that it's shot from the 3rd floor, not the 2nd floor! If you're going on a pilgrimage, be sure to go up to the 3rd floor and look at the angle from there.

The Shinanomachi pedestrian overpass, beautiful in the twilight scene as the date comes to an end


The Shinanomachi pedestrian overpass appears in the twilight scene at the end of the date. It's just an ordinary pedestrian bridge right in front of JR Shinanomachi Station, but in the movie, it appears as a place with a very special atmosphere. It seems to evoke the slightly painful scene. In "Your Name," there are many places that Tokyo residents are familiar with. Each of these places is depicted in the movie as unbelievably beautiful. I was really surprised when I first saw it. And it made me realize anew the charm of Tokyo. I hope that people who come to Tokyo for sightseeing will also find Tokyo to be a wonderful place, overlapping with the scenes from the movie.

Taki's stylish part-time job cafe is the real-life La Bohème Shinjuku Gyoen

瀧くんのバイト先もなんと実在します。新宿御苑の公園の目の前にある「カフェ ラ・ボエム新宿御苑」です。外観もとても似ていますが、店内も床や照明、スタッフの制服など共通点が多く、『君の名は。』好きにはたまらない場所です。純粋にカフェとしても雰囲気・植物にあふれた清々しい空気・日がサンサンと降り注ぐ開放的な空間など、魅力と満足度の高いお店です。パスタやカフェメニューなどもとても美味しいので、ぜひ訪れてみてくださいね。私が訪問した日は、女性同士のグループ、カップル、会社の同僚らしいグループなど、大いに賑わって活気にあふれていました。瀧くんハードなバイトだったろうな...と働くシーンを思い出してにやにやできます(笑)。

Taki's part-time job actually exists in real life. It's "Café La Bohème Shinjuku Gyoen," located right in front of Shinjuku Gyoen park. Not only does the exterior look very similar, but the interior also has many things in common, such as the flooring, lighting, and staff uniforms, making it an irresistible place for "Your Name" fans. Even purely as a café, it's a highly attractive and satisfying establishment with an atmosphere filled with plants, a refreshing air, and an open space where the sun shines brightly. The pasta and café menu items are also delicious, so please visit if you can. On the day I visited, the place was lively and vibrant with groups of women, couples, and groups that seemed to be company colleagues. It makes me grin to recall the scenes of Taki working and think, "That must have been a tough part-time job..." (laughs).

Shinjuku is full of sacred sites! Even ordinary scenery becomes special - East Shinjuku Big Guard


There are quite a lot of Shinjuku scenes in the movie. I think there's an amazing number of them, including scenes that only appear for a moment. It's really overflowing with nondescript places. This photo is of the east side of the Shinjuku Big Guard. It's a place that we normally pass by without paying any attention. The "Your Name" magic turns this ordinary scenery into something special. Among the scenes that appear in Shinjuku, I think the most impressive one is probably the intersection behind the Shinjuku Police Station, near the LOVE sculpture at the west exit of Shinjuku. It's a memorable intersection with a circular object where traffic lights and signs are attached. It appears in the opening scene where RADWIMPS' "Zenzenzense" plays. Please explore Shinjuku and look for the movie scenes, saying "Here too!" and "There too!"

The stairs at Suga Shrine in Yotsuya are still packed with foreign tourists!


The stairs at Suga Shrine in Yotsuya, which were used as a key visual for the movie and also serve as a quite important scene where the main characters Taki and Mitsuha miraculously reunite at the end. It's probably the most catchy and memorable location in "Your Name." When you arrive at the shrine, it's packed with foreign tourists everywhere. The area around the stairs was bustling with people waiting their turn to take photos. It's still popular about 8 years after the movie's release! I don't think there's any other movie that depicts "Tokyo" as beautifully as "Your Name." The Tokyo here is shining. Some of you may have thought, "Why 'Your Name' now?" But I dared to introduce it in the hope that it would convey the beauty of Tokyo once again to those who come from other parts of Japan or from overseas. I recommend going on a pilgrimage in Tokyo with anime fans!


〒106-8558 東京都港区六本木7丁目22−2

〒160-0013 東京都新宿区霞ヶ丘町14−9

場所:カフェ ラ・ボエム新宿御苑
〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿1丁目1−7 コスモ新宿御苑ビル 1F・2F

〒160-0021 東京都新宿区歌舞伎町1丁目

場所:東京四谷総鎮守 須賀神社
〒160-0018 東京都新宿区須賀町5−6


Location: The National Art Center, Tokyo
7-22-2 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8558
About 5 minutes on foot from Roppongi Station
Official website:

Location: Shinanomachi Pedestrian Overpass
14-9 Kasumigaoka-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0013
1 minute on foot from JR Shinanomachi Station

Location: Café La Bohème Shinjuku Gyoen
1-chome, Kabukicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0021

Location: East Shinjuku Big Guard
1-chome, Kabukicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0021
5 minutes on foot from JR Shinjuku Station

Location: Tokyo Yotsuya Sōchinju Suga Shrine
5-6 Suga-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0018
10 minutes on foot from Yotsuya Station
7 minutes on foot from Yotsuya-sanchome Station on the Marunouchi Line



Born and raised in Tokyo. I'm dedicated to both my main job in the design field and my parallel career as a writer, focusing on interview coverage and article writing. I'm a work enthusiast, and I have a deep love for delicious food, which I showcase on my gourmet Instagram account. Tonkatsu, ramen, karaage, and other brown-hued foods are my specialties. On the other hand, I excel in areas related to feminine interests such as cosmetics, nail art, beauty, and fashion. I also have a passion for exploring new places. With a goal of embarking on a trip every month, I've recently been setting out for spontaneous adventures both domestically and internationally.
