Vol.8 創業50年超コピーできない歴史が魅力! 古き良き日本を感じる都内の大衆居酒屋「ビンテージ酒場」4選

東京にはもっとおもしろい場所がいっぱいある! 東京の⼈も知らないようなマニアックでおもしろい、観光で訪れた外国⼈におすすめしたい穴場スポットをご紹介します。コロナが明け、たくさん来てくれる外国⼈観光客のアテンドのぜひ参考に。外国⼈にとっておもしろい場所は、日本⼈にとっても新発見のある穴場スポットになるはず。みんなにまだ知られていないとっておきの新しい東京の姿をお見せします。英語翻訳版も併記します(Chat GPT 作)。
※実験的にChat GPT にお任せするので変な翻訳でもご容赦ください!
There are plenty of interesting places in Tokyo! We will introduce some off-the-beaten-path spots that even locals may not know about, but are recommended for foreign tourists visiting for sightseeing. This will be a helpful reference for when the coronavirus situation improves and more foreign tourists come to visit. These spots should be not only interesting for foreigners, but also a new discovery for Japanese people as well. We will show you the yet-tobe-discovered side of Tokyo that not everyone knows about. An English translation version will also be provided (by Chat GPT).
Please excuse any strange translations as this is an experimental use of Chat GPT!
ライターのNINAです! コロナも明け、外国人観光客が日本にも戻ってきました。最近は、アメ横やかっぱ橋など、安くて古き良き日本を感じられる場所が外国人観光客に人気です。今回のマニアック観光地では、よりディープな日本を感じてもらえる場所をご紹介! 都内
に点在する創業50年超の大衆居酒屋を「ビンテージ酒場」と名付けて愛する元芸人でビンテージ酒場エキスパートの田中三浪さんに取材協力をいただきました! エリア・特徴などバラエティ豊かな4店舗をぜひお楽しみください。
Popular among foreign tourists, places like Ameya-Yokocho and Kappabashi offer a b udget-friendly taste of old Japan. In this edition of offbeat sightseeing spots, w e introduce places where you can immerse yourself even deeper into Japan's unique charm! With the help of Saburo Tanaka, a vintage izakaya expert (self-proclaimed) and a beloved former comedian, we've gathered information on traditional pubs in T okyo that have been in operation for over 50 years, affectionately naming them 'Vi ntage Sakaba.' Please enjoy exploring these five diverse establishments, each with its own unique area and characteristics.
Table of Contents:
- 1.一枚板のコの字カウンターが唯一無二「ほさかや」(自由が丘)
Unparalleled with Its Single Slab L-shaped Counter: 'Hosakaya'(Jiyugaoka) - 2.とにかく魚が魅力! 初心者にもおすすめ「らんまん」(中野)
Attracting with Its Abundance of Fish! Recommended for Beginners: 'Ranman'(Nakano) - 3.店構えにイチコロ。常連さんもあたたかい「深川酒場」(金町)
Captivated by the Storefront. Even Regulars Feel the Warmth at 'Fukagawa Sakaba'(Kanamachi) - 4.圧倒的空間と陸海空オールカバーのメニュー「多摩一」(八王子)
Overwhelming Atmosphere and a Menu Covering Land, Sea, and Air: 'Tamaichi'(Hachioji) - 5.体験レポートを終えて〜魅力はズバリ歴史〜
Finishing the Experience Report - The Charm is Undoubtedly in Its History
Unparalleled with Its Single Slab L-shaped Counter: 'Hos akaya'(Jiyugaoka)

1軒目は自由が丘の有名店。自由が丘と言えばスイーツやオシャレな雑貨店の街として有名ですが、「ほさかや」はハイセンスな街として世間に認識されるずっと前から街を見つめ続けている、串を軸としたうなぎ専門店。酒呑みならば、うなぎは串で食べるのが粋! 初めての来店なら、うなぎ串「ひととおり」を頼むのがおすすめ。頭から尻尾まで、うなぎのフルコース(4本)を堪能できます。一枚板のコの字カウンターが震えるくらいカッコいい。
The first stop is a renowned establishment in Jiyugaoka. While Jiyugaoka is famous for its sweets and stylish miscellaneous shops, 'Hosakaya' has been watching over the town long before it became known as a high-sensibility neighborhood. This eel specialty restaurant centers around skewered eel. For a true sake enthusiast, savo ring eel on a skewer is the way to go! If it's your first visit, I recommend tryin g the 'Hitotoori,' a selection of eel skewers. From head to tail, you can enjoy a
full course of eel (four skewers). The single-slab L-shaped counter exudes an incr edibly cool vibe.
Address: 1-11-5 Jiyugaoka, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
Business Hours: 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM / 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Closed on Sundays and the 2nd Monday of the month
Phone: 03-3717-6538
OFFICIAL WEBSITE:https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1317/A131703/13008198/ * Details may change, so please verify directly wit h the establishment.
とにかく魚が魅力! 初心者にもおすすめ「らんまん」(中野)
Attracting with Its Abundance of Fish! Recommended for B eginners: 'Ranman'(Nakano)

2軒目はサブカルの聖地・中野の名店。ビンテージ酒場の雰囲気を味わいつつ、とにかくおいしいものが食べたい食通の方にもおすすめ。「魚が美味しい店」なんて通り一遍の言葉では生ぬるい、こだわりの料理が提供されるのは「らんまん」。隅々まで行き届いた丁寧すぎる仕事に、料理を目の前に出されるたびに感動! らんまんのおいしさは、日本人なら穴子の白焼きを味わった瞬間「日本に生まれてよかった」と心底思えるレベル。他のお店より多少値は張りますが、死ぬまでに行っておくべき名店。
The second stop is a renowned establishment in Nakano, the holy land of subcultur
e. It's a recommendation not only for enthusiasts who want to savor the atmosphere of a vintage izakaya, but also for those who simply crave delicious food. To label it as just a 'place with delicious fish' would be an understatement; 'Ranman' offe rs dishes with a dedication that surpasses mere words. The meticulous attention to detail is evident in every aspect, and with every dish presented before you, it's truly awe-inspiring. The deliciousness of Ranman reaches a level where, as a Japan ese person, the moment you taste the grilled conger eel, you genuinely feel 'I'm g lad to have been born in Japan.' While it may be slightly pricier than other place s, it's a legendary spot that you should visit at least once in your lifetime.
営業時間:月・火・木・金]17:00~22:00 [土・日・祝]16:30~22:00
Address: 5-59-10 Nakano, Nakano-ku, Tokyo
Business Hours: [Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri] 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM [Sat, Sun, Holidays] 4:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Closed on Wednesdays
Phone: 03-3387-0031
OFFICIAL WEBSITE:https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1319/A131902/13013556/ * Details may change, so please verify directly wit h the establishment.
Captivated by the Storefront. Even Regulars Feel the War mth at 'Fukagawa Sakaba'(Kanamachi)

ハンサムすぎる店構えが印象的なのは金町にある「深川酒場」。これぞビンテージ酒場というべき外観はぜひ写真にもおさめて欲しい! 店は60代後半にしか見えない80代前半のお母さんが1人で切り盛り。カウンターの上に所狭しと置かれた日替わりの手づくり惣菜は全てうっとりするほどおいしそう。全部欲しくなって絶対選べないので、おまかせ盛りが賢い選択。刺身は一口食べれば、その目利きの確かさがわかります。お店の常連さんたちが、新参者にもウェルカムモードなのも嬉しいポイント!
The strikingly handsome exterior of 'Fukagawa Sakaba' in Kanamachi is truly unforg ettable. It's the epitome of a vintage izakaya, and I highly recommend capturing i ts essence in a photograph! The establishment is run by a single woman who appears to be in her late 60s, but is actually in her early 80s. The counter is adorned wi th an array of daily homemade side dishes, each looking so delicious it's almost m esmerizing. Since it's impossible to choose just one, opting for the chef's select ion platter is a wise move. One bite of the sashimi, and you'll instantly recogniz
e the precision in their selection. The fact that regulars at the bar are welcomin g to newcomers is also a delightful touch!
Fukagawa Sakaba
Address: 5-31-9 Kanamachi, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo
Business Hours: -
Closed: -
Phone: 03-3608-1515
OFFICIAL WEBSITE:https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1324/A132403/13106476/ * Details may change, so please verify directly wit h the establishment.
Overwhelming Atmosphere and a Menu Covering Land, Sea, a nd Air: 'Tamaichi'(Hachioji)

この特集の最後を飾るのは八王子にある創業70年超の「多摩一」。街の喧騒を避けるかのように地下に存在する古典酒場。扉を開ければ、そこには杉やモミの巨木が贅沢に使われた圧倒的な空間が広がります。ニスの塗り具合もビンテージ酒場基準で見ると完璧! メニューは陸海空オールカバー(陸=野菜・牛豚肉、海=海鮮、空=鶏肉、など)。注文に悩んだ ら、とりあえず刺身と肉豆腐を! そこには幸せが約束されています。新宿から中央線で約5 0分。都心から電車に揺られて通う価値アリ。
The finale of this special feature is 'Tamaichi,' a establishment in Hachioji that boasts a history of over 70 years. Tucked underground, seemingly to escape the hus tle and bustle of the city, it's a classic tavern. Upon opening the door, you're m et with an overwhelming space adorned with lavish cedar and fir trees. The varnish finish, by vintage izakaya standards, is nothing short of perfect! The menu covers everything from land to sea to air (land = vegetables, beef and pork, sea = seafoo
d, air = chicken, etc.). If you're unsure what to order, start with sashimi and me at tofu! Happiness is practically guaranteed. It's about a 50-minute ride on the C huo Line from Shinjuku. The journey from the city center on a train is well worth it.
Address: 7-10 Asahicho, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo
Business Hours: -
Closed on Sundays and Holidays
Phone: 042-622-5457
OFFICIAL WEBSITE:https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1329/A132904/13076973/ * Details may change, so please verify directly wit h the establishment.
Finishing the Experience Report - The Charm is Undoubted ly in Its History

When I asked Saburo Tanaka, who kindly provided assistance for this interview, about the charm of vintage izakayas, he responded, "The allure lies squarely in their history. In today's era, it's easy to create delicious or trendy establishments, even those with a vintage style. However, history is something that cannot be replicated." It seems that he is captivated by "old things in and of themselves." He mentioned, "Being entranced by the buildings that have stood there for decades, the beauty of their interiors, and the unparalleled atmosphere. To put it extremely, taste and service come second, or even third, in line, haha."
Tanaka occasionally organizes independent events where he announces a same-day izakaya "meet-up" on platforms like Instagram and X, all in an effort to convey the allure of vintage izakayas. Why not follow Tanaka's social media and take a step into the deep world of vintage izakayas?
取材協力(Interviewee):田中三浪(Tanaka Saburo)

Born and raised in Tokyo. I'm dedicated to both my main job in the design field and my parallel career as a writer, focusing on interview coverage and article writing. I'm a work enthusiast, and I have a deep love for delicious food, which I showcase on my gourmet Instagram account. Tonkatsu, ramen, karaage, and other brown-hued foods are my specialties. On the other hand, I excel in areas related to feminine interests such as cosmetics, nail art, beauty, and fashion. I also have a passion for exploring new places. With a goal of embarking on a trip every month, I've recently been setting out for spontaneous adventures both domestically and internationally.