
地域 外国人に紹介したい東京マニアック観光地

Vol.7 日本人が知らないおもしろスポット「羽田空港第3ターミナル」の魅力を分解!




東京にはもっとおもしろい場所がいっぱいある! 東京の⼈も知らないようなマニアックでおもしろい、観光で訪れた外国⼈におすすめしたい穴場スポットをご紹介します。コロナが明け、たくさん来てくれる外国⼈観光客のアテンドのぜひ参考に。外国⼈にとっておもしろい場所は、日本⼈にとっても新発見のある穴場スポットになるはず。みんなにまだ知られていないとっておきの新しい東京の姿をお見せします。英語翻訳版も併記します(Chat GPT 作)。
※実験的にChat GPT にお任せするので変な翻訳でもご容赦ください!

There are plenty of interesting places in Tokyo! We will introduce some off-the-beaten-path spots that even locals may not know about, but are recommended for foreign tourists visiting for sightseeing. This will be a helpful reference for when the coronavirus situation improves and more foreign tourists come to visit. These spots should be not only interesting for foreigners, but also a new discovery for Japanese people as well. We will show you the yet-tobe-discovered side of Tokyo that not everyone knows about. An English translation version will also be provided (by Chat GPT).
Please excuse any strange translations as this is an experimental use of Chat GPT!

今回からNINAがマニアック観光地をご紹介させていただきます! 日本人は長居することがほとんどない羽田空港国際線ターミナル(第3ターミナル)。実は海外の方に長時間楽しんでいただけるようなレストランやショップだけでなく、「これぞ日本!」と感じられるエンタメ要素が満載の穴場スポットなのです。これを読めば、用がなくてもきっと羽田空港に行きたくなるはず!

Starting from this time, NINA will introduce you to some niche tourist spots! Haneda Airport International Terminal (Terminal 3), which Japanese people usually don't spend much time in. In fact, it's not just restaurants and shops where overseas visitors can enjoy for an extended period, but it's also a hidden gem filled with entertainment elements that make you go 'This is Japan!' After reading this, you'll surely want to visit Haneda Airport, even if you don't have any specific plans!

A Must-See 'This is Japan!' Photo Spot

羽田空港第3ターミナルは国際線が離発着する2010年に開業したターミナル。海外の方をお迎えする玄関口として、江戸をイメージした街並みなど日本らしい和が表現されています。5階には展望デッキもあり、海外の方だけでなく日本人も訪問して楽しい場所がたくさん! 時間があればぜひ見に行ってほしいのが4階にある「はねだ日本橋」。江戸時代の日本橋を復元した趣深いビジュアルは絶好のフォトスポット。旅への架け橋の意味が込められています。

The Haneda Airport Terminal 3, which opened in 2010 for international arrivals and departures, serves as a gateway for welcoming overseas visitors. It showcases a Japanese aesthetic, featuring streetscapes reminiscent of Edo (old Tokyo). Throughout the terminal, there are plenty of enjoyable places not only for international travelers but also for Japanese visitors. If you have the time, I highly recommend a visit to 'Haneda Nihonbashi' on the fourth floor. Its charmingly restored visual of the Nihonbashi from the Edo period makes it an excellent photo spot. This bridge symbolizes a bridge to one's journey.

An Enriching Souvenir Shopping Experience in a Replicated Japanese Streetscape


The Terminal 3 is lined with a diverse range of shops. The shop area replicating the streets of Edo fills one with joy just by walking through it. For international visitors, it offers an exotic atmosphere of Japan, while for Japanese, it somehow evokes a sense of nostalgia. The shops offer a rich array of souvenirs that are sure to be appreciated by international visitors. It's also recommended to explore this area for souvenirs to take from Japan abroad. The streets aren't just designed in the Edo style; they are constructed using traditional Japanese methods with solid wood. Be sure to savor the beauty of Japanese tradition!

The observation deck where you can watch takeoffs and landings of airplanes is a must!

空港に来たなら飛行機を見るのも楽しみのひとつ。第3ターミナルの5階には、ゆったり飛行機の離発着を見られる展望デッキがあります。滑走路が4本並ぶのは羽田空港が日本で最多。また、国内線のターミナルからは見ることのできない外国の機体が見られるのも第3ターミナルならでは! 展望デッキは24時間利用可能です。昼には昼の良さ、夜には夜の良さがあるのでぜひ5階まで足を運んでみてくださいね。観光客にうれしいお土産ショップも!

If you've come to the airport, watching airplanes is one of the enjoyable activities. On the 5th floor of Terminal 3, there is a spacious observation deck where you can leisurely watch the takeoffs and landings of airplanes. Haneda Airport boasts the highest number of runways in Japan, with four in total. Additionally, you can see foreign aircraft that are not visible from the domestic terminals, which is unique to Terminal 3! The observation deck is open 24 hours a day. There's a different charm in the day and in the night, so be sure to make your way up to the 5th floor and experience both!

The 5th Floor: Entertainment Zone featuring Soradonki and Planetarium


The 5th floor is particularly filled with a wide variety of shops. It's designed to let you experience the current cultural essence of Japan. A highlight is the airport version of Don Quijote. Unlike regular stores, it introduces products ideal for Japanese souvenirs in a ranked format and is constructed with a special ambiance. Across from it, there's a Planetarium Café where you can have tea or a meal while gazing at the stars. Taking commemorative purikura (photo booth pictures) with the exclusive Haneda Airport designs in the purikura corner is also recommended.

The restaurant street, a treasure trove of authentic Japanese cuisine, is home to many renowned eateries!


The 4th-floor restaurant area offers a culinary experience that truly captures the essence of Japan. It features longstanding, popular, and renowned establishments. Among them, the most popular is the udon restaurant 'Tsurutontan.' On the day I visited, there was a long line of customers. There's also the well-loved ramen shop 'Setagaya,' and the long-established sukiyaki restaurant 'Ningyocho Imahan.' This lineup allows you to enjoy the best of Japanese cuisine. This time, I tried onigiri (rice balls) from the immensely popular 'Konga' onigiri shop. I truly hope that foreign visitors get to taste this pride of Japan's fast food!

Wrapping Up the Experience Report: The Charms of Haneda Airport Still Unknown to Many Japanese


I had no idea that Haneda Airport Terminal 3 could be so much fun!" That's the biggest impression I had this time. The photo shows a zone where you can write your wishes on ema (wooden prayer plaques) and hang them up. You can purchase ema from vending machines. Many ema are written in foreign languages, conveying that they truly enjoyed Japan. When traveling abroad and using Haneda Airport, I usually arrive just in time for my flight and head straight home upon return. I realized that I had no idea what Haneda Airport had to offer. Whether you want to relax and play before your flight or visit the airport for leisure, it's all good. I would be delighted if this became an opportunity for you to discover the charm of Haneda Airport.


羽田空港第3ターミナル Haneda Airport Terminal 3:
営業時間:24時間営業 Operating Hours: Open 24 hours
公式HP Official website:
Official Website:https://tokyo-haneda.com/floor/terminal3/index.html



Born and raised in Tokyo. I'm dedicated to both my main job in the design field and my parallel career as a writer, focusing on interview coverage and article writing. I'm a work enthusiast, and I have a deep love for delicious food, which I showcase on my gourmet Instagram account. Tonkatsu, ramen, karaage, and other brown-hued foods are my specialties. On the other hand, I excel in areas related to feminine interests such as cosmetics, nail art, beauty, and fashion. I also have a passion for exploring new places. With a goal of embarking on a trip every month, I've recently been setting out for spontaneous adventures both domestically and internationally.
