Vol.4 スモール ワールズはアジア最大級のミニチュアミュージアム!魅力や楽しみ方を解説

東京にはもっとおもしろい場所がいっぱいある! 東京の⼈も知らないようなマニアックでおもしろい、観光で訪れた外国⼈におすすめしたい穴場スポットをご紹介します。コロナが明け、たくさん来てくれる外国⼈観光客のアテンドのぜひ参考に。外国⼈にとっておもしろい場所は、日本⼈にとっても新発見のある穴場スポットになるはず。みんなにまだ知られていないとっておきの新しい東京の姿をお見せします。英語翻訳版も併記します(Chat GPT 作)。
※実験的にChat GPT にお任せするので変な翻訳でもご容赦ください!
There are plenty of interesting places in Tokyo! We will introduce some off-the-beaten-path spots that even locals may not know about, but are recommended for foreign tourists visiting for sightseeing. This will be a helpful reference for when the coronavirus situation improves and more foreign tourists come to visit. These spots should be not only interesting for foreigners, but also a new discovery for Japanese people as well. We will show you the yet-tobe-discovered side of Tokyo that not everyone knows about. An English translation version will also be provided (by Chat GPT).
Please excuse any strange translations as this is an experimental use of Chat GPT!
ライターAYAがレポートする外国人観光客に紹介したい東京マニアック観光地!今回はミニチュアの世界観をたっぷりと味わえる「スモール ワールズ」に行ってきました。細かい製作のデザインや演出にこだわりを持つこちらのミュージアムは屋内なので、雨の日でも安心!施設内を見学してみると、想像以上の作品の丁寧さや繊細さに驚きの連続。気になる方はぜひ足を運んでみてくださいね。
Writer AYA Reports on Tokyo's Must-Visit Spots for Foreign Tourists! This time, I visited "Small Worlds," where you can fully immerse yourself in the world of miniatures. This museum, known for its meticulous design and elaborate displays, is located indoors, providing a worry-free experience even on rainy days. As I toured the facility, I was continuously amazed by the precision and delicacy of the artworks, surpassing my imagination. If you're intrigued, be sure to pay a visit!
Table of Contents:
- 1.いざミニチュアワールドへ出発!
1.Off to the Miniature World Adventure! - 2.必見ポイント!エリア別に楽しめる空間に注目
2.Must-See Points! Focus on the Enjoyable Spaces by Area - 3.ミニチュアの世界観と繊細さに感動!
3.Moved by the Worldview and Delicacy of Miniatures! - 4.これぞ日本人の職人技!ミニチュア製作スペースで演出の裏側も覗ける
4.The Essence of Japanese Artistry! Peek Behind the Scenes of the Miniature Production Space - 5.カフェやギフトショップにもミニチュアが登場!
5.Miniatures Make an Appearance in Cafes and Gift Shops Too! - 6.体験レポを終えて~スモール ワールズは新しいかたちのミュージアム~
6.Wrapping Up the Experience Report ~ Small Worlds: A Museum of a New Kind ~
1.Off to the Miniature World Adventure!

Located in Tokyo's Ariake area, "Small Worlds" is the largest miniature museum in Asia. It is a museum where you can tour worlds and cities recreated with small figurines. This facility values the experience of "discovering" within the tiny worlds. With English labels on the exhibits, foreign tourists should be able to fully enjoy and appreciate the works and craftsmanship. Additionally, the museum's considerate services, such as wheelchair rentals, barrier-free access, and even a prayer room, add to its appeal. Be sure to find your own way to enjoy the experience!

入り口を通ってすぐのところにあるトンネルをくぐると、そこにはミニチュアの世界がお出迎え!その圧倒的な繊細さとリアルさに「スモール ワールズらしさ」が凝縮され、入館するなり魅了されます。小さいのに広大な世界観が目に映り込んだ瞬間、心のワクワクが止まらない......。きっと誰もがカメラを構えてしまうはず。それではミニチュアの世界への旅の始まりです!
As you pass through the entrance and walk through a tunnel, you will be warmly welcomed into the world of miniatures! The essence of "Small Worlds" is condensed in the overwhelming delicacy and realism, captivating you from the moment you step inside. Witnessing the vast world within the miniature, excitement and wonder will fill your heart without end. Everyone is bound to pick up their cameras in awe. And so, the journey into the world of miniatures begins!
2.Must-See Points! Focus on the Enjoyable Spaces by Area

スモール ワールズには宇宙センターエリアや世界の街エリア、エヴァンゲリオンエリアなど、8つのエリアが揃っています。各エリアにはそれぞれストーリーや世界観があるので、その背景を感じながら観察するのがポイント。忠実に再現された街並みや建物はまるで本物の街並みのよう。エヴァンゲリオンエリアでは、街全体がストーリーにあわせてドラマティックに動く展開も!ぜひ一つひとつのエリアの細部まで目を向けてみてくださいね。
At Small Worlds, you can find eight different areas, including the Space Center Area, World Cities Area, and Evangelion Area. Each area has its own story and worldview, so it's essential to observe while immersing yourself in their backgrounds. The faithfully recreated cityscapes and buildings are so realistic that they resemble authentic urban environments. In the Evangelion Area, the entire city moves dramatically according to the storyline, creating an impressive display. Be sure to pay attention to the smallest details in each area.

スモール ワールズにあるエリアの中で特に注目していただきたいのが関西国際空港エリア。ここは関西国際空港をモデルにしたエリアです。ミニチュアサイズの飛行機が実際に滑走路に沿って移動したり、離着陸に合わせてエンジンの音を出したり、上空へ飛び立っていったり。そのリアルな演出からまるで本物の空港に来ているのかと感じてしまうほど。
One area at Small Worlds that deserves special attention is the Kansai International Airport Area. This area is modeled after the Kansai International Airport. You'll see miniature-sized airplanes actually moving along the runway, producing engine sounds synchronized with takeoffs and landings, and soaring into the sky. The realistic presentation makes you feel as if you've stepped into a real airport.
3.Moved by the Worldview and Delicacy of Miniatures!

スモール ワールズの魅力といえば、ミニチュア作品の再現性の高さ。その小さな世界は息を呑むほどに美しく、心が揺さぶられます。ボタンを押すと灯りがついたり、乗り物が動いたりする仕組みもあって面白い発見がたくさん!気づく人がどれだけいるだろうか?と思うほどの徹底したこだわりっぷりに、ミニチュアの世界をつくり上げたクリエイターたちの技術や繊細さ、思いにも感動しました。
The charm of Small Worlds lies in the high level of realism achieved in the miniature artworks. The tiny worlds are so breathtakingly beautiful that they stir the heart. There are many delightful surprises, with mechanisms that turn on lights or make vehicles move when you press buttons! One can't help but wonder how many people notice these intricate details. The creators' dedication to crafting the miniature world, their skills, delicacy, and passion all impressed me deeply.

The carefully designed world, with attention to lighting and shadows, offers scenes that are both fascinating and creatively imaginative. As I observed, it brought back the excitement I felt as a child when visiting an amusement park. Take your time to carefully observe the meticulously crafted displays of people, buildings, cities, plants, rivers, and more. It's an experience that will surely delight and rekindle the sense of wonder like the excitement of childhood days.
4.The Essence of Japanese Artistry! Peek Behind the Scenes of the Miniature Production Space

After being overwhelmed by the realistic presentations of one miniature after another, I finally arrived at the miniature production space! Here, countless materials, tools, and finished miniature works are lined up. The level of delicacy and detail in these creations is undoubtedly something unique to the Japanese craftsmanship. It's a rare opportunity to peek behind the scenes of the production process. I highly recommend making a stop here.

実際に製作スペースを見学してみて気になったのは、クリエイターの方たちがどのような想いを持ってミニチュア作品をつくっているのかということ。かなりの工程があるはずで、時間も手間もかなりかかるはず。ここまで見てきたミニチュアの世界からは、心を込めて一つひとつの作品やミニチュアを製作していることが伝わってきます。スモール ワールズを訪れる際は、作り手の想いに心を馳せて製作スペースもご覧ください!
While touring the production space, I couldn't help but wonder about the thoughts and emotions that the creators put into making these miniature artworks. There must be numerous intricate steps involved, consuming a considerable amount of time and effort. From what I've seen in the miniature world so far, it's evident that each piece is crafted with heartfelt dedication. When you visit Small Worlds, I encourage you to take a moment to contemplate the creators' intentions and explore the production space with an appreciation for the passion poured into each and every miniature.
5.Miniatures Make an Appearance in Cafes and Gift Shops Too!

After walking around the museum, you might want to take a break. The café on the second floor offers a wide range of menu options, from meals to desserts! With plenty of tables available, even during busy times, you can comfortably find a seat. Enjoy your meal in the spacious and open atmosphere. Moreover, you'll find adorable miniatures even in the café space.

1階にあるギフトショップでは、キャラクターグッズやミニチュア作品をはじめ、自分でつくれるミニチュアキットが購入できます。また、スモール ワールズでは3Dスキャナーを使って自分をフィギュアにできるサービスも!私が訪れたときには外国人ファミリーがフィギュアづくりをしていました。ミュージアムを訪れた記念やお土産におすすめです!
On the first floor, there's a gift shop where you can purchase character goods, miniature artworks, and even DIY miniature kits. Additionally, at Small Worlds, they offer a service where you can turn yourself into a figurine using a 3D scanner! When I visited, I saw a foreign family creating their own figurines. It's a great idea for a memento or souvenir from your visit to the museum!
6.体験レポを終えて~スモール ワールズは新しいかたちのミュージアム~
6.Wrapping Up the Experience Report ~ Small Worlds: A Museum of a New Kind ~

スモール ワールズはミニチュアをテーマにしたミュージアムでありながら、そのインパクトはかなり大きい。クリエイターが時間と労力をかけて完成させたミニチュアに技術の力が加わり、圧巻の演出を生み出しているのは確か。そこに、入場者が自分の足で屋内を回って見学するスタイルなのが相まって、視覚や聴覚をかなり刺激される感覚がありました。ここはまさに新しいかたちのミュージアム。今までに体験したことのないミニチュアの世界へ、ぜひ訪れてみてはいかが?
Small Worlds is a museum themed around miniatures, yet its impact is quite significant. The combination of the creators' devoted time and effort in crafting the miniatures, along with the application of advanced technology, creates a stunning display. Coupled with the style of visitors exploring the indoor exhibits on foot, it stimulates the senses of sight and sound to a remarkable degree. This is truly a museum of a new kind. Why not visit this miniature world, an experience unlike any other you've had before?
ワールズ(すもーるわーるず) Small Worlds
住所:東京都江東区有明1丁目3ー33 Address:1-3-33 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan
電話:- Phone: -
営業時間:9:00〜19:00※最終入場は18:00 Opening Hours: 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM※Last admission at 6:00 PM
※Please check the official website for possible changes to opening hours.
公式HP(Official Website):https://smallworlds.jp/

I am from Tokyo. After studying abroad in Canada during high school, I became interested in traveling and living abroad. After graduating from university, I went to Australia on a working holiday visa, where I worked in customer service and as an agent before traveling to the Philippines and New Zealand. I fell in love with the nomadic lifestyle abroad. After returning to Japan, I worked as an SEO writer for a certain media company in Tokyo before becoming independent. Currently, I work as a freelance editor and content creator for media articles. I miss the laid-back lifestyle of Australia.